Verify QS-BT1 Functionality Across Games

To ensure the QS-BT1 is functioning correctly, try running it with a different game or simulation. Various games may provide different types of input data, which can affect how the QS-BT1 behaves. Switching to another title can help identify whether the issue lies with the game or the device.

Activate a Default Game Profile

Using the default settings can often resolve behavior discrepancies. Follow these steps to activate a default profile:

  1. Open the default game profile (refer to the 1st illustration, pt 2). This is always the first option in the game title list (illustration, pt 1).
  2. Bring all sliders back to their default settings by clicking the “Default” button (illustration, pt 3) and confirming by selecting “Yes to all”.

This will reset the profile and ensure all standard settings are applied.

Adjust the Rumble Strips/Road Harshness Slider

If rumble strips and curbs still do not trigger the QS-BT1, increase the Rumble Strips/Road Harshness slider value (see 2nd illustration). A higher setting can enhance the device’s responsiveness to these specific effects.


If the QS-BT1 is responding correctly to other inputs but not rumble strips or curbs, it is likely due to the absence of specific input signals from the game. To confirm what signals are being sent to the QS-BT1:

  1. Open your currently activated game profile and go to “Input Diagnostics”.
  2. Observe the graphs during a typical game session. Double-click on a graph to open it in a new window, then right-click and select “Stay on Top” to monitor it easily.

For instance, the 3rd illustration shows a “Kerb Vibration” graph that captures the signals sent when a rumble strip is hit.

For more details on QS-BT1 assembly and belt adjustements – go to a full user manual: