“When you see video of sims where the person is flying around it’s a gimmick, you want responsive quick motion. This thing delivers on that. This feels like I’m feeling the suspension of the car.”
Below is a detailed description of the user’s hardware setup. Explore the configuration to see the components that make up their sim racing rig.
iambanana’s story
I started with a basic Amazon frame and a G29 in about 2016ish, then I got super into sim racing.
Moved into a “Next Level Racing” rig with the basic motion (not connected to pedals), then upgraded to a DOF reality 6, and finally into Qubic Motion… and I couldn’t be happeir with the quaility. It’s so responsive. Finally, recently, I got the QS-BT1.
My game progression was Forza -> Project Cars 2 -> Asseto Corsa -> iRacing
Any advice for other sim racers?
I’ve had different levels of motion simulators, and while my last system had traction loss, and maybe more distance travelled, it was way inferior to the QS (QS sells traction loss, but even without that I still prefer QS-220 over my previous systems that had it included). The best accurate feeling in my opinion should simulate the cars suspension more-so than the G force. The addition of the QS-BT1 adds to the Gforce feeling without trying to throw you around more physically to compensate for what is technically not happening with the car. It’s not necessary, but I also recommend a seat belt even without a QS-BT1 it’s a little tedious to get in and out of, but it does have a small enhanced effect on the motion of a QS-220.
Why Qubic System?
The build quality is as good as you can imagine something could be. The power is insane, and the responsiveness is more than you could possibly want. I’m not even using the 240volt and I don’t even have any interest because it’s already way more than I could even use. This thing got air when someone hit a curb (I turned down the threshhold to protect from this). My rig has tons of accessories, probably as heavy as you could get with some guests being 250 lbs and it moves them no problem.
Future Plans
I’m trying to get faster, but this brings the optimal immersion to make the experience more fun.